Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the 2 cowboys. They called themselves cowboy and bull rider.

We are excited in the car!!

The bull rider is ready. He had is heart set.

As a mother of 2 lovely boys, I thought wow yes we can be Cowboy and Indian how cute, great costume, sounds great, until I asked who was going to be the Indian? They both said nope, and Tucker instantly replied with Mommy Tucker Bull Rider. Therefore I had to remember that Halloween was about them and it didn't really matter if they weren't the most creative, they were happy. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What a cute little boy sleeping in his newly formed bed.

I rearranged our bedroom today. It is amazing how different it looks and I hate to say it but, I think our bedroom looks smaller this way. We will see how it works for a while.

Yes this is the boys bedroom. I think it looks similar to an orphanage, however the beds were bunked and the top bed never got slept on. We are hoping that they will stay in their own beds and sleep longer, because they won't be wrestling each other.

Yes all of these things were accomplished today. I have had a productive 2 days at home, hopefully this family stays healthy.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Yes I am on vacation, from school that is, I am home getting things done or well some things done. We have got Tuckers hair cut, sewn (a little), I am trying to decide what the next project should be other than finishing the quilt blocks yes all 3 of them.
If you didn't know SCR-1 is out of school until Wednesday due to flu illness. Hopefully we will go back and get the routine established again. Have a great day.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This Friday was better than most Fridays. We were told at the beginning of October, if we could get our Parent Teacher Conferences done this week then we would not have to come to school on Friday! Well, most of us took that to its fullest and stayed late a couple of night to prevent being there today. So instead of work, my mother, Tucker and I went to Kirksville to shop (well for groceries and others). We had a successful day- Thanks mom. She was helpful with the 2 year old and she bought lunch!!! I also took the plunge and was vaccinated for H1N1 today. Smart or not I do not know. Have a great weekend.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


White rice, did you know it has a new purpose, well at least in our house, feed for the cows. Saturday morning about 6:50, boys got up and came to lay with me. Great so after a few minutes of giggling and fighting I said, why don' t you to go play in the playroom and I will get up in a minute. Ok says Tucker and Tayden follows him. Well when I got up at 7:00 they had managed to dump a whole box of white rice on the floor in the playroom, and loving Tucker says feed cows mommy, Tucker feed cows and Tayden says, "Mom Tucker did it he dumped the rice."
At this point I think- well they might as well enjoy feeding the cows, because there is already a mess. The mess only grew, because the rice got moved in trucks, gravity wagons and all kind of toys-and yes moved into the dining room, living room, and kitchen. They thought it was fun and after our weekly trip to town, we swept the house. Yeah, my cleaning for the weekend is done.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

To or not to...

The question races through my head. To vaccinate my two loving boys or not to. I have a 2 and 4 year old- the targeted area for H1N1 so therefore do I vaccinate them to protect them or do I not vaccinate them to protect them (of the things that may happen.) It has been a great debate in my own brain all day. After talking to a great pediatric allergy doctor- I wish I could remember the big name that impressed me 1 year ago. He suggested my sick kid (Tucker age 2) be vaccinated. Also the health department suggests the 4 year old be vaccinated also. Therefore after 1 doctor told me to, and 2 students of mine(doctors kids) are being vaccinated at school tomorrow, I have chosen to VACCINATE my two loving boys. Hopefully I am making the right choice, their dads comment was why not? I would love to hear all other opinions, suggestions, or comments!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If any of you know the youngest boy at our house, yes he sucks his thumb, or should I say he suckED his thumb. Yes we are exciting because he hasn't sucked his thumb for about a week!!! Big news to us. He might still get to when he is in bed, but at least he doesn't walk around with his thumb in his mouth and his hand in his hair!!! Potty training here we come!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Tayden Bish was in some rough shoes last night. He can piddle *&# around with the best of the piddlers at supper time. His 2 year old brother was almost finished with supper when he was only 2 bits into it. Therefore his father told him if he continued to piddle or @*# around he would have to eat in the basement in the dark. Well, yes he ended up in the entry way in the dark eating his supper until it was finished. After that they had baths and things are going well, until MOM decides it is time for letters. A-E only 5. Well after working or playing for about 10 minutes I trade kids with Brandon and him and Tayden work on letters. Well after about 35 minutes Tayden couldn't remember D to save his rear, and his dad was loosing patience. I was impressed they lasted that long. Poor Tayden had a few, snap "pay attention, are you trying, get your feet off the chair comments". I sure hope is attention is better at preschool.
Therefore life in Tayden's shoes was a little rough last night, but amazing enough he is still full of energy tonight. They do snap back very very well!!!!

As to the relaxing weekend, yes it was and I think it was needed!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Looking forward to...

I am looking forward to a weekend full on nothing. We have nothing planned, nowhere we have to be (except teaching Sunday School), Nobody to answer to. It will be a great weekend to well, clean maybe, sew, cook, bake and do whatever the boys want to. I am sure we will have an adventure sometime, because we don't have too many dull moments in this world.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Worlds Meanest Mom

Tonight I have tried to prove a point we will see. After picking up Briley (a niece) in town, since I was in town and she was done with dance. We got home and I started supper. Tayden wanted to go outside to play and I told him that was fine, he is good about staying right outside and playing. Well he wanted me to move the car out of the garage, I said "it will be dark in a bit, just play in the driveway and ride your bike. Well he continued to ask please, thinkink I would get tired of him asking and give in. NO, I said NO. He continued. So the one thing I have never done is soap. He got just a little and you would have thought I cut off his leg. But when I asked why he got it he said, I kept asking after you said NO, more than once. We will see if this parenting skill, or torture makes an impact. For those of you wandering he is good at saying, please, please, please over and over until it bothers me. The answer is no should be the last of the please!! In my opinion.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Above is my dad's youngest brother and family.
The two girls belong to the lady who passed a few weeks ago at only 35. We were glad for them to be a part of our weekend. They are good girls.
Their aunt is also my aunt.

This is my dad's sisters family.
None of them live close, only his sister the girls live in different states.
Missouri and Illinois

Grandma Chuck is in the middle of all grandkids.

My dad's lovely family!!!! We were missing two hunters.

These are the 14 great grandkids!!! Wow they are energetic. The oldest will be 11 and the youngest will be 1 in December.

We had a great weekend of fun. Thanks to all that attended. It was fun to sit and chat, play frisbee golf, paint pumpkins, scavenger hunt, eat, eat and eat some more, count kids and entertain the young and old. With a large family it is getting harder to get all of us here at the same time, but we have managed to do it one more time!!!

We also had a day of fun with chilly weather with the Creath side of the family. Saturday afternoon we took pictures and hopefully I will have some good ones to update our walls and give for Christmas!!!! I will let you know when those are ready to look at.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I know you are tired of hearing about my job and all the lovely things that go with it, but it seems to be consuming my energy and thought most of the time. So reflecting on the week. Well, why is it some days my HEART is huge and other days I need a bigger heart. On Thursday I needed to shrink it at school. The little one in my room that needs all I can give him at all times (just one of the 4 that really really need me all of the time) got sent home, due to hitting in lunch. I feel as though it was my fault and there surely was something I could have done, however some kids no better, he did not, but after 2 hitting incidents it was time for him to have a major consequence. Therefore I will let it go and know, no matter how long he is with me, I will do my best.

We had a positive day in KA today!!!!!!!! We even got a sticker, for being quiet in the hall!!!!!!!!! (thanks Mrs. Beeler for finding the positive when there is one!)