Thursday, October 15, 2009

To or not to...

The question races through my head. To vaccinate my two loving boys or not to. I have a 2 and 4 year old- the targeted area for H1N1 so therefore do I vaccinate them to protect them or do I not vaccinate them to protect them (of the things that may happen.) It has been a great debate in my own brain all day. After talking to a great pediatric allergy doctor- I wish I could remember the big name that impressed me 1 year ago. He suggested my sick kid (Tucker age 2) be vaccinated. Also the health department suggests the 4 year old be vaccinated also. Therefore after 1 doctor told me to, and 2 students of mine(doctors kids) are being vaccinated at school tomorrow, I have chosen to VACCINATE my two loving boys. Hopefully I am making the right choice, their dads comment was why not? I would love to hear all other opinions, suggestions, or comments!!!


  1. Leap of faith and quit worrying about it! We never have guarantees about things such as that. Love MOM

  2. I've been having the same mental battle. What to do, what to do? I LOVE your Mom's take on life..she's full of wisdom!!
