Monday, November 2, 2009


Somedays the students are great-but not today.
Somedays all of my students are clean and ready for the week.
Somedays my school days are very fun and wild- like Friday.
Somedays I worry what happens when some of them go home.
Somedays I wonder if they will eat supper or breakfast.
Somedays I think that it is a great job.
Somedays I know,that even the smallest things mean the most to them.
Somedays I think why even get attached.
Somedays I wonder why this year is so much more emotional bothering to me than last year.
Somedays I WILL JUST DO THE BEST I CAN and know it must work.
-thank you god for giving me love and patience for all children in this world, not matter, race, gender, size, knowledge, or behavior.


  1. and all days we turn those babes back into His arms when they leave our tender loving're doing a good job---just continue to take it one day at a time and rejoice in the "somedays" that are awesome days!

  2. Amen Lori, always remember that God created each child perfect! He has a plan for everyone. You have a beautiful job, teaching children to be the future of our world. I know it's a big job but you care and that is wonderful. Blessings to you as you make all of them feel special even with the circumstances they may be facing outside of your classroom.

  3. Hang in there Lori. Always remember that the Lord makes NO mistakes. He has created each day just the way HE wants it (not the way WE want it). Praying for you!

  4. First of all, the picture of the boys with pumkins is really good. Just do the best you can everyday and someday you will see the rewards! Your student may be doing their best too. Love MOM
