Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I have got it

I have got it the perfect thing that I need as a mother of two rambuncious boys (sorry mother for the spelling.), the teacher of 24 lovely students with 4 inches of snow, two weeks till Christmas and early out, mouthy sister on the way home and the youngest of 4 siblings. I NEED A STRIPED SHIRT. I think I need a referee shirt - look out Mike Hampton here I come!!!- or maybe I should just wear my shirt at home.

Now the story from home, that is somewhat entertaining is that in the bathtub tonight, I caught glimpse of a rubber duck flying towards Tayden's head. Low and behold rubber duck to the forehead and a large red bumb occurred after Tucker was in trouble for throwing something at Tayden I discussed with Tayden that a rubber duck couldn't have hurt that bad. Little do you know if I would not have intervened the whole situation would have gotten worse. Gotta love to boys who love to get even.


  1. First of all, I hope you want a striped shirt not a stripped (taken clothes off) shirt. I knew what you meant. Yes, your sister is very lippy I am sure! You deserve a gold star - Love MOM

  2. Oh Ed that's mild to what's ahead! Believe me if I could go back to rubber duckies it would seem like a breeze. Hold on to your skirt tail and just enjoy the ride. At least you know where the heck they are now! Boys or girls they go right at it. Wait til the first major black eye and not from a fall! You're doing great! At least they're both cuties. It helps sometimes! Have a great night! Love ya Aunt Lisa

  3. You make me laugh. Hope you survived the snow day if you had one. Take Care-let me know if you are doing any shopping in the DM area---would love to see you!

  4. Much better dear! I wonder what Mike Hampton is doing these days. Probably still being dramatic on the BB court. It's nice to have my fond memories brought to the front of my mind occasionally. Why don't these blogs have spell check anyway! Love MOM
