Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ears lowered

My dad has always said, "No I didn't get my hair cut, I just got my ears lowered! Well today the Bish boys and their mother have officially lowered their ears!! We were in desperate need of haircuts and so therefore today we accomplished the goal. Aunt Rhonda rocks or at least she puts up with us in cutting our hair!!! Thanks Aunt Rhonda!!! She has tried to get Tayden to say Aunt Rhonda rocks since he was able to talk and he can do it and used to lots. Aunt Rhonda is actually Brandon's Aunt for any of you that didn't know!
Also the Garage Sale is in full swing and going pretty well for being in the country!!!

1 comment:

  1. Those haircuts are GREAT! Enjoyed seeing the boys, and you of course, yesterday afternoon for a little while. Glad the garage sale went well and your basement must be less congested. Enjoy your time at home, Love MOM
