Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Day of School 2013-2014

Wow we are growing !!!  The first day of school, a big 3rd grader and a 1st grader!!!!  They are excited and ready for school and what they are expected to do!  Yes the routine is great, but man I could more efficient if we had school from 9:30-4:30 instead of 8:30-3:30!!!
This mom here (that is a teacher too)  is feeling like a part timer!!!!  I only have 13 kindergarteners!! WOW it is awesome and we are only on day 2!!!!

We hope the enthusiasm about school continues all year long!!!!


  1. What a great first day of school picture! Love the smiles that look real. Hope you have a quiet year in your room also. Love, MOM
