Monday, August 10, 2015

Week of family time!?

So Tayden has wanted some coon hounds, or beagles so he can rabbit hunt, or take a dog and go hunting by himself.    We found some beagles and he purchased one with the money from the fair....  it can't burn a hole in his pocket!!!  Welcome in the dog world Ms. Kitty and puppy Rachet!!
 We have had some quality family time in the truck to retrieve both dogs and we are hoping they will run a beagle..  Have hunted some however not the best yet?  New hobby here we come!
Rachet is a 4 month old puppy and he is cute, however I have been warned not to baby him, he is not a lap dog he is a rabbit dog!

We also sheared the sheep last week and great job Tucker for stomping the wool.  A little heritage for those of you that don't know our family... Grandpa Harold was a sheep shearer and everytime we shear we think about wow.... he did that for living it is hard work!

1 comment:

  1. Sheep shearing is indeed hard work. We raised hundreds of sheep and for a solid week we'd pay the shearers to come to the farm and they'd shear all day long. I was the resident wool was fun the first couple of days...then after that - ugh! lol.
    And then, when we got done with our farm there was another week at Grandpa's to do! :)
    These are good memories now, though. My folks tell me when I was a baby they had to just set up a playpen in the barn for me to hang out. The things that CPS would hone in on now!
