Monday, April 5, 2010

Thank you

I am writing after a long day of meetings and brain activity today! We didn't have kids but we had meetings and we were thinking with our brains. That is a challenge the day after Easter!!!
Thank you Mrs. McBee and Mr. Shalley for letting us go home at 1:30, we appreciate it and I needed it.

Our weekend was great and I have a new obsession in life, however I will not reveal it until the mission is accomplished or in the works! (some of you know what it is, others keep guessing?)


  1. I know what it is!!!! I found one for you to look at, i didn't get a real good look, but i think it is worth checking out, talk to Les to see where!!!

  2. You girls and your passions! Be patient and the right one will come along. Love MOM
