Monday, April 26, 2010

That was fun!

The excitement of our weekend was selling our sheep. We sold the lambs and yes we added to our herd at home. We are beginning to look like real sheep farmers. However do you think it is sad when you get in the truck and a 3 year olds says, "that was really fun mommy, seeing all of those pigs, and sheeps and goats!" Yes it was fun to go to the sale barn and spend the morning with the boys and Brandon. We ate doughnuts for breakfast and the great Ham Ball special for lunch, it was very yummy and mommy didn't even have to fix lunch. To add to the adventure the lambs we sold, sold very well!!!
Other than that we had a very relaxing weekend full of rest and family time. I even got to Ottumwa yesturday to grocery shop and get other essentials, by the way I even got to go with only one child, it truly amazes me how much easier it is with only one little helper!

Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the lambs did well and you all enjoyed the day! Try to enjoy the weekend coming up as it will probably be hectic but full of activity. Love MOM
