Monday, November 29, 2010


It is my duty to report to you the things I have accomplished that were on my to do list last Monday.

Complete 1 x-mas blanket - check
complete womens gifts - check
enjoy Thanksgiving - check
Complete most X-mas shopping on Friday - check
Help with X-mas wreaths - check

I was successful, I also attended a Birthday Party, grocery shopped, slept and caught a cold this weekend! I was very successful and the boys were glad to be home some!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!
My Thankful List 2010

* My family of 4 - 2 healthy boys
* Extended family
* deep roots
* faith
* our small church
* perseverance
* good health
* golf
* gardening
* our home
* friends at home and school

I do have a lot more than some, but a lot less than some, that is what makes me, me!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Wow it is Monday and it is much easier to get up and get to school on time, when I know it will only be a 3 day week!!! This week I have a few goals.
1. complete 1 blanket for x-mas
2. complete the womens gifts (handmade)
3. get most of the shopping done- Friday I may be finished
4. enjoy the holidays and my family
5. help with the Christmas Wreaths

I am also working on my thankful list...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
Tayden Lee Bish
8 lbs 3 oz 21 in. 1:15 pm
We started out the Birthday weekend by having 4 friends over to party at Grandpas Cabin.

The Birthday Boy is pretty relaxed in his recliner waiting to upwrap those presents!!
He always askes for pretty detailed cakes and this is the 6th Birthday Cake, made by his mother.
I think I can remember them all 1- John Deere Tractor, 2 Thomas, 3- Lightning McQueen, 4 Mator and Derby Car, 5 - Deer Hunting scene!

Tayden has his very own Coon Hound - Tayden's Insane Jane
He got to pick her out all by himself the day of his Birthday with his Dad!!! He loves her!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday

Tayden Bish turns 6 today. Hard to believe and yet very exciting!! I don't have pictures yet but will get there tomorrow.

Top 6 things about Bug - I have called him Tayder bug for a long time.

1 - helpful
2 - caring
3 - responsible
4 - understanding
5 - energetic
6 - Daddy's Boy- he is all boy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Some of you probably don't know who this is, but it is Kenny Cobb, and he is a celebrity at our house. The soon to be 6 year old, can sing the song, pick him out on T.V and remember his name. He is on the t.v show Huntin' the World Southern Style.
We met him a few years ago and he comes to the in-laws to hunt.
They were at our house for supper last night!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Well we are gearing up for a birthday at this house!! I have a busy week at school and we have a busy week at home, getting everything around and ready. I may have a relaxed method to it all, the house doesn't need to be spotless, but presentable to the guest on Sunday. The boys don't have to be fully entertained Friday night, but fed and kept safe. The cupcakes and birthday cake don't have to be spectacular, but safe to eat and good enough for the Birthday boy. With all of those things, I think we will get along fine and I had better get a gift bought!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Yes Tucker was a dinosaur, and he was pretty scary!

Tayden was a puppy and he was pretty cute!

We had a great time Trick or Treating and they showed their true characters well, Tayden was a quiet happy puppy dog and his trick was barking, and Tucker was a wild mean dinosaur, as he normally is a little wild!!
Trick-or- Treat!!