Sunday, February 23, 2014


We have had Wiggles since January 14.  She is quite spoiled already!   If we could just get her to potty outside it would be awesome.  Bit we will continue to work on it.  She loves to chew, sleep, and find anytjing to drag out that she isnt supposed to!   She is growing but still mighty small, which is why she loves inside.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snow Day

Yes we have had another snow day!!!  I am getting great at staying home and well, yep not sure what I get accomplished other than, laundry, dishes, pick up, laundry, dishes, cook, laundry dishes, well yeah I am pretty sure you get the point!!!  I am happy that I get this done and then have time to sit on the coach and nap, watch t.v or well whatever I want!!!!  I have heard that this is the last cold day, therefore welcome sunshine and melting snow!!!!!  We are still out of school before Memorial day at this point so we'll see what the next few months bring!!  What do you do on a snow day?????

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


So as many of you know, we have been "pretty healthy" this winter compared to some, but this week we are thankful for medicine and doctors or RN's!  We try to do whole foods, chiropractic, herbal supplements, and no medicine for the most part!!! However, sometimes it happens and this morning when Tucker was in "distress they call it"  and wheezing, we are thankful for albuterol and now that we have been to doctor and no school today or tomorrow, and prednisone, yes I hate that yucky stuff, but a boy that can't breathe is a little scary!!!!  Therefore, Tucker and I will report back to the doctor tomorrow at 8:30 and test for pneumonia if necessary or see if today's medicine does the trick!!!! 

I am beginning to feel like a part timer, but oh well!!  Meeting last Monday, snow days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and sick kid Friday! Well I did work yesterday, but shewww!!!!  Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


 So I think I probably had some of these pictures on the Christmas blogs!!  But it is amazing to me that we have such large families, and I think it is normal, well I know we are not normal, however I am realizing that big families aren't "normal" either and if they are they very seldom all get along well enough to be in a house together for 3 hours!!!!  Miss Martha with the 3 originals
 Miss Martha - aka Grandma Chuck with all the great - grandkids!!!!  Yes I believe 16 and one family - Jimmies group hasn't got started on that yet this is just us and Aunt Susans grandkids! Wow
This is the WHOLE group!  I believe 38 or something- go ahead and count if you wish, but we were all there on Christmas Eve and this has been the tradition since I was small!!   So reflecting on family- this half I love to see and glad to have!!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

100th Day

So we made it to the 100th Day of school on Thursday!! Yes it is crazy that we got there especially because we can't seem to get a whole week of school in, due to this crazy weather!! It is too cold, then there is snow, then there is ice! Sheww  We made it and we only have 74 school days before it will be time to sit, relax, and enjoy some warm sunshine!!!  This momma loves books, blankets, snow, scarves, boys hunting all day, coffee, warm house, days to herself (boys like to go with Brandon and his brother has been going so 4 is full!!! :), house clean, supper in the oven and sitting in my chair around 8 oclock!!! However this momma is also enjoys the warm sunshine, spring air and being outside without frozen nose hairs!!!!
We are going to embrace this next week of cold weather, and lots of snow and see what the world throws our way!  Will the groundhog see his shadow????? 
 I was going through the old computer looking at pictures!  Here are some of my favorites!!!
 He was so innocent and still loves to read!!!!

 When did this cute, my mom picks out my clothes, I match, homework done, smiling Kindergartener go???  How did he become a 3rd grader!!???
Will we get this much snow this week?????