Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Tucker!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Happy 4th Birthday!
Happy Birthday Tucker! Wow, where has time gone??? The baby at this house is 4 today! Tucker Ross Bish born 3-22-2007 11:58 a.m, 8lbs 1 oz 20 1/2 in.

Tucker Ross
* all boy
* loves all his family
* loves to do anything special
* energetic
* growing up
* enjoys animals
* loves racecars
* often loud
* tries to please, it is just to hard
* knows right from wrong, just chooses not to obey
* fully potty trained
* grew out of sucking his thumb
* loves to go to Denny's - the Davis boys house even more!

We love you Tucker Ross, you are special to us in many ways. We love to watch you grow, but hate to see you in trouble. Keep up with the thumbs up days at Dennys as it will soon turn into thumbs up days at school!!! If you continue to grow so fast we won't be able to keep shoes to fit you!! Have a great Birthday big 4 year old!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Tucker, bet it was a fun one.
    Aunt Kath

  2. Happy Birthday and boy was it fun! Tucker is sure growing up! Grandma's little buddy sure enjoyed the party. Love MOM

  3. Happy Birthday, Tucker! See you & your bro Friday:))))
