Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Sticks and Stones is a great picture book for young children to teach them that mean words do hurt us.
Sticks and Stones are fun to pick up out of the yard this time of year.

I read a book today to the little people in my world (students). It was awesome. It talks about how mean words and yucky attitudes stick to us, and it teaches how to turn away and say positive things to yourself to make yourself feel better!! I copied a page and put it on my door at school.

It is really important for me to be positive this time of year at school.

I will do my best to complete this 2010 -2011 school year, knowing that I have given it all my effort, I have taught Kindergarten 3 successful years (or we will see when test scores come back), I signed my contract to teach in Scotland County in 2011-2012.
Happy Spring!!

Being positive is contagious... So Smile!!!!!


  1. Love the Easter Egg look on your blog page! You are a very fun loving person and know if you keep your temper under control you are a very fun teacher also! Remember, it's not your life but your job - keep a smile on your face, it's good for all. Love, MOM
