Thursday, June 27, 2013

Swimming Lessons

Well I hate to brag, but okay I will. 
1.)  I have brave boys in the water and boys who can swim, dive, and do about anything you ask or show them to do.  I knew playing in the water weather it is the pond, pool, or enjoying the sun would be worth it! right? It shows at swimming lessons!
2.) I have completed 8 days of Insanity and well still....  see no difference in my body, but I am going to keep it up!!!!  It will change sooner or later - maybe later when I am 50 and the wrinkles start! SWEET
3.) Accomplishing- I am accomplishing many outside things, mow, weedeat, weed garden, mow, weed garden, paint dog pen, weed garden, clean both trucks, did I say De weed the GARDEN, wow all of the sudden they GREW fast!!!
4.) we are in full swing of summer and cannot wait to spend many days at grandpas pool next week!!!!

Picture of swimming lessons soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Sure enjoyed the trip to Beach to celebrate swimming lessons! Thanks for including me. Those weeds are crazy in my garden too. Looking forward to rodea, fair and all the event coming up! Love, MOM
