Thursday, July 18, 2013

2013 D.C. Fair

We started out the fair Wednesday night and we dressed up the bottle calves.  Tuckers calf was sugar because that is her name. 
Tayden's calf was Godwin because his name was that and we are duck dynasty fans!!!
Thursday morning was a little exciting for us, because we added 5 stiches to Tayden's forehead!  Then we still had time to show a couple lambs in the novice class and their calves that evening!

Tayden and Godwin year number 3 of the bottle calf show!!
Tucker and Sugar, year number 1 of the bottle calf show!!
Yes we entered our own turtles in the turtle races!

We finished the fair with the Demo Derby!!! # 38 was the dad at this house and he ended up 2nd!!  We worked on the car for a week and had a few hitches, but it is crashed now and headed to Keo this weekend with a different driver!!!!!
The Wild Thing camped at the fair and we stayed 4 nights!!!  We are going to call the fair successful even though we don't have any trophies and we added stitches to the excitement!! It is always fun to be at the fair, but always a little sad when it is over!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great way to keep up with your family.
