Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 2

The chicks are now approximately between 24-48 hours or 2 days. This is what is going on today, but I don't think we could hear the heartbeat yet!!!! For you information, the eggs are still the same, some little fingers changed the temperature just a little, but not for very long so we are going to cross fingers and hope. Plus those little fingers have been re-instructed!!!!
  • 25 hours: The heart begins to form.

  • 33 hours: The ears begin to form.

  • 42 hours: The heart starts to beat.

  • We are still waiting.

Funny story of the day: Tayden likes to play outside. He often goes out alone and plays for long time, by himself outside. Well this morning was no different. We were waiting on Grandpa to hay the sheep. When he came inside he was sitting on the steps. After the 4th time of instructing him to take his stuff off and eat lunch he chose to do so, but instead of making a mess on the entry way (cement), he chose to make a mess in the dinning room (carpet). Therefore his mother says, " that is fine, since you got mud all over the steps you can clean the steps with a toothbrush after lunch. "
silence for awhile with a few tears.
We were eating lunch and Tucker was talking about something-imagine that!!! Tayden was kinda crying and I said, "what is the matter with you."
Tayden replies, "I am going to have to go back to the dentist, my toothbrush will be dirty and I liked my toothbrush."
Mom says, "No I have old toothbrushes to clean with"

He successfully cleaned the steps and since he has taken of his stuff in the entry way!!!

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I have had 2 days just like my dad would have been.


  1. You are practicing your Dad's saying "actions speak louder than words". Your Chick background is adorable! One difference to your Dad's discipline - he would not have told him 4 times. Keep me posted with the chick development. Love, MOM

  2. Chickens have ears???

  3. I am still wondering if you are still reading to Leslie in the mornings??? The things the youngest children get stuck doing and they call us the spoiled ones!! lol Hope the chicks do well! The kids get so excited watching them in school! Happy B-day to Grandpa Dickie! I know he is good to you all! Take care!
