Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rain day = Clean House

Thank goodness for the rain!  The crops need it, the yard needs it, the hay needs it, I need it!!  It is so very hard for me to stay inside and clean, put clothes away, wash bedding, sort clothes, work on little boys rooms, when it is 80 degrees and sunny!!!  We just sorted clothes from the basement and are getting ready to sort and organize 2 boys bedrooms.  Then clean the house!!!!  My bedroom and closet must wait for another rainy  day!!! Here I go folks....  please check on me in a few hours, the clothes and toys may bury me alive!


  1. Yes! Check out my next post for a picture.

  2. You girls should try not to worry soooo much! It will still be there when you get around to it and the sun might not be! Remember to enjoy life and thank god for all the beauty! I have made my summer pretty busy with watering flowers! Love, MOM
