Monday, July 16, 2012

D.C Fair 2012

 The 2012 Davis County Fair was a fun filled week.  Tayden showed a lamb in the novice sheep show.
 Tucker helped Morgan show a lamb in the novice sheep show!

 Tayden and Oreo did a great job in the Bucket Bottle calf show and he said it was his favorite part when I asked Sunday night what was your favorite part of the fair.
 They both raced turtles, Tayden won his heat but then got beat! Tucker did a great job.
 The pedal tractor pull on Sunday was fun and they did a great job.

 The kids games on Saturday morning they were both winners!!!
We supported the BLT squared shirts on Thursday and Friday!!! Can you tell me what it means?????

The Fair was fun, we camped 7 nights and had fun!  The boys think it is fun and their dad is becoming a bigger fair goer than mom!!!!!  Yeah!!!  Next year we can have 2 bottle calf exhibits and maybe some open show lambs!!!!  We will see.  The biggest excitement now is that we brought home 2 new additions from the fair!  We now have rabbits- 2 of them, thanks grandma Suzy!  By the way the only animals not on our farm that was at the fair is turkeys!!!  Wow we have at least 1 of EVERYTHING!!!!!

Whew what a fun week!


  1. Your boys are so cute! I think it's time for another one!

  2. looks like someone needs to look into maybe getting a couple turkeys so the BLTX2 will be complete

  3. You all did great at fair and looked like had lots of fun! You sure took advantage of your camping spot! I thought you might kill me about the cute black and white rabbits but you took it in stride. Cute site watching you and Tayden carry them out of show barn. Enjoy - love MOM
