Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Paint

Well it has been very cold.... as we all know and we were all home on Sunday and Monday at our house!!  It is cold enough even BLB was inside with us, which he usually finds something else to do after a few hours, but not Sunday, instead he decided to get rid of  a shelving unit in our dining room/entry way!  Which means, new paint, and well a slight change.  See what you think, I got new dishes for Christmas and the dining room/kitchen are going to get a overhaul with paint.

Yes teal and red is the color scheme with white trim!  So far so good and the 4th/last wall yet to be painted, carmel!  Let me know your opinion???  Two teal wall and one red with red bookshelf in the middle!


  1. Love the colors! When you do something you go all in. :) Painting sounds so ambitious right now (could be the big belly). Glad you made good use of your cold weather days off.

  2. Your new look is great! My question to you is how well to do like them now? May need to be changed if you get tired of it but just paint! Love the way you go at projects! Love, MOM
