Monday, August 29, 2011

1st Day of Preschool

Yes I have 2 children getting on the bus!!

They were waiting and being quite silly if I do say so myself!!!

The 1st day for Tucker, day 5 for Tayden and he is still getting up and being quite happy to get on the bus!!!

Tucker Ross Bish's 1st day of Preschool 2011!!!!

I captured the moment of them getting off the bus as well, I will admit today was day 1, but when I got home and the bus wasn't there yet, I sat by myself and thought, "wow, i guess it is quiet and this is odd that I am home waiting on them"!
Tucker had a rough night at home, they went out to look for monarch caterpillars and he got stung by a bee 3 times, ouch and swollen ear!! Then they were playing in the garage and he blooded his lip, little does he know, it is almost bed time!!!!

Hopefully our good start to a year keeps on trucking!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Photos and glad to see the as I screwed up the schedule and missed their first bus day. Sounds like Tuck had a tough eve and I know from talking to you this morn he got sick later and you are both home enjoying the day. Rain is great, Love, MOM
