Monday, January 23, 2012


Well I will update you on how the goals are going
1. Fruits and veggies are good + meat= good eaters and I am fortunate to have good eaters
2. Bedtime- for the most part we are doing well, they are both asleep in their beds now!!!!
3. I am only driving my co-worker/driving partner in crime crazy!! what else is new/???
4. Brandon still isn't smoking!! - only a few cigars- we will keep working on it
5. Budget is ok for now, a little hard to start mid month!!

February goals-
Get up earlier
cut out all dyes and the 3 important ingredients. (my materials came... reading time!)
I hopefully will have lots of information by tomorrow at this time!!

Tayden and Tucker are doing okay!! They are tired, a little congested, and giggly tonight!! We will continue to work on being healthy people!!!

Happy Monday


  1. Don't forget to be thankful for the good health that you all have! Remember that it takes time for changes to occur. Be patient and teach us how to be healthier. Love, MOM

  2. You're not driving me crazy...I think we're driving together! It's a joy to be on this journey with you. I appreciate your listening ear and understanding!
