Sunday, March 4, 2012

I buckled!

I have a confession to make, I buckled!  I got out the nebulizer with albuterol, and the prednisone.  We gave minimal doses last night before bed and again this morning!  I know that isn't healthy, they are petrochemicals.  Nasty cancer causing stinky stuff, BUT  ... I didn't know what else to do!  We have tried several things and  I can handle a runny nose and sneezing, but I can't do the wheezy struggling to breath, belly breathing and rattling cough when breathing!  So I am sorry that I broke the all natural routine we have been on and we will try to go at it again!!!! For now we will try to be patient and control this little boy with a steriod and albuterol!!! 

Monday morning we are on routine again!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is what the Doctor's subscibed so don't beat yourself up about it. He was sure sounding better at Church this morning and I am praying to the Big Guy upstairs that he help you know what to do! You are a good Mom and doing the best possible. Love, MOM
