Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hmm.... Tucker

Well as some of you close family and friends know, I have changed profession... this week!  I have tossed in the teaching towel and put on my nurses cap, Tucker was very close to being hospitalized on Monday at 12 because his oxygen level was 93 and it is suppose to be 95-100. They allowed us to come home, IF we followed complete directions and returned to the doctors office Tuesday at 2!!!!  I said, "SURE"!  If you didn't know we enjoy our house a lot more than a silly hospital, our own rocking chair, coffee, blankets, food, and well just HOME!!! 
So Monday we left the doctor and got the medicine, yep 3 different ones, thinking that Tucker probably had pnemonia and crap in his lungs because they sounded terrible and he was taking a bunch of breaths and the doctor said his lungs sounded wheezy and yucky!!!  But his ears and throat were OK!!!!  We came home and did nebulizer treatments every 4 hours around the clock = mom getting up 2 times in the night and laying in a twin sized bed!!!!  Oh I forgot to mention when we left the doctors office Tayden threw up in the parking lot, because he had the flu Sat pm- Mon. pm.  (He is better been to school for 2 days)  Tuesday morning Tayden went to school and Tucker and I
home and his fever has been spiking about 9 am and 8 pm.   When we went back to the doctor they did chest x rays and bloodwork, good news no flaring pnemonia in the lungs, and blood work was okay white blood cells were good and no dehydration.  They said he had bacterial acute bronchitis!!!!
I said," So what about school tomorrow, obviously no because he still has a fever in am, and pm."  Bev Oliver the nurse practioner said, " I wouldn't send him back to school all week!!!"  If he goes back he could relapse and be worse!!  Ok enough said, I am staying home.... well I might go to work on Friday if Grandma Suzy will keep him, we will see how fever goes!??!??!
Therefore the vinyl shop is in full swing and we are enjoying some time at home!!!!  Keeping up with medicine and treatments is a small job!!!  Happy Wednesday and we will try to keep you updated!

1 comment:

  1. I am certainly glad that Tuck is improving and he looked pretty good this morning when I ate dounuts with him as he was missing dounuts for dads! Thus too shall pass and I will try to step in and assist when I can. Love, MOM
