Monday, October 1, 2012

Tayden's Buck

 Tayden shot a buck last Sunday morning!  Brandon took him, thought he hit it.  Video taped him and then they looked for it for quite  a while and there were several helpers I believe!  They didn't find it and Brandon convinced Tayden he didn't hit him well enough!  Yesterday while the boys were out in the Ranger with Grandpa they found it in the creek!  Tayden spotted it and he was pretty excited so we went and recovered the deer!  He is really nice!!!!  He was a little smelly, but oh well!
Congrats Tayden Lee!!!


  1. What a huge buck Tayden! Glad you called Grandps Gary & told him you DID hit that buck! Love, Gr Suzy

  2. It was alittle smelly, but it was a great find! Missing the other picture,lol.
