Thursday, December 24, 2009

Purple Sugar

In the morning routine this morning, I was making cinnamon rolls, yes a gift for Christmas and I said "Boys we need to run to town and get brown sugar, because we need it to make the monster cookies." Not thinking much I finish my kneading(hopefully done correctly, but the gift is only for the brother-in-laws so oh well.) I finish, change my clothes, (yes running to town in sweats with no make-up) and I am getting Tucker dressed and he asked like alway"going to Papa Dickies house?" no tucker and his reply back was "get purple sugar". I said well no we are going to get brown sugar. To cute of a story had to share. Now we must get to town while the dough rises.


  1. That sound just like my Buddy Tuck - Surely he said "going to Grandma's house?" I guess I will give this one up. Have a good day and keep those two out of mischief today, only hours until Santa comes. Love MOM
