Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Yes again, Tucker has red ears and more medicine. I believe it was November 10th when I last posted that Tucker had double ear infection.
-Today the comment was, well the one is really red all the way around the ear canal, we got drops to put in his ears, yes they are an antibiotic and steriod. Do you know how easy it is to put 4 drops in a boys ears twice a day? Yes wish us luck. I am hoping we come up with an answer that keeps us out of the doctors office.

- On the positive note Tayden only had a virus! Hope the Happy Holiday cheer is keeping you all well and happy!!!


  1. Did you fail to mention that you have strep throat? I don't think anybody is real sick but get that little guy better so he can enjoy Christmas! Love MOM

  2. want to do with us friday? maybe we can get the 4 ear discout!
