Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Once upon a time a little girl said to her dad, "Dad it is hot outside!"
Dad replied, "Get on your jeans and shirt with tennis shoes and follow me!"
Little girl thought oh no, now what!
Later that day the small girl used a large scoop shovel to clean the corn out of the grain bin.
End of story- little girl never again told her dad it was hot outside.

I have a had a little rekindling of that story this last week. -by the way, I was the little girl!

Well this week has been hot outside and we at this house are fortunate enough to have NO central air!! We have central air, but it hasn't worked properly for about 2 weeks!!! Yes it has been warm, sweat on your face is just normal, along with boys in only their underwear and mommy in some not so good looking tanks and shorts. We have survived and I will have to go out on a limb and say last night must have been the worst!! It was still 83 degrees in the house this morning, so not much cooling. On the good side, the repair men, all 3 of them are on lunch break as I speak, they have been working this morning on putting in a NEW FURNACE AND CENTRAL AIR UNIT!!!!!
This hot mom and boys that are sweating are going outside under the tree!!!!


  1. You give new meaning to one HOT Mama! Boys did look hot and miserable last night. Glad you are getting upgraded today - window and heat and air! I couldn't remember which of you girls got the "it's hot" lesson. Now I know! Love MOM

  2. You're tougher than your Aunt Lisa as a couple of years ours went out and the my husband seemed to not want to deal with it and I didn't dare call a repair man if he could fix it himself. SOOOO after a day of canning and the temp inside getting up in the 90's the girls and I packed up and went and stayed with some people from church! Needless to say the air was fixed the next day! Hope yours is fixed by now as you will be soooo happy to sleep where it's cool! Hang in there your a survivor and your boys will appreciate the air much more after this experience! Love ya all!
