Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yes it is time...

As several other bloggers have posted lately it is time... I do agree, it is time for school to start, to get back in the routine, normal bedtimes, healthier suppers, less pop and other beverages, more normal days for me and the kiddos.
We have truly enjoyed our summer at the Bish house and everything we have done has been lots of fun, however it is time to pack school bags, label all 19 names in my classroom, enjoy my co-workers and learn to meet 19 new smiling faces.
Tayden is ready to start school, learn new friends, have Mrs. Helton as a teacher and learn how to read!!
Tucker is ready to go to Denny's have a routine and watch Tayder Bug get on the bus everyday!!!
Also Brandon is ready for us not to be home!-yeah right, we have gotten pretty used to sleeping in and daddy coming home for lunch!

Yes the Bish's are ready for Summer to wrap up and the fall to get here!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow the summer flew by didn't it!! Well I'm so glad to read all the positive thoughts. My girls are actually ready to go back. I think they are just sick of cleaning the house! Sounds like you all have had a great summer. Enjoy those young years. It won't be long when their summer schedules will keep you running like crazy! Tell Tayden good luck with school. I'm sure he'll do well. I am praying for great fall weather!! Love ya
