Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13

13 things to be thankful for this time of year...

1. my new camera (thanks mom)
2. the anticipation of my birthday
3. the excitement this time of year (21 5 and 6 year olds daily)
4. the anticipation of 2 weeks vacation
5. green
6. red
7. Christmas Tree
8. yummy treats
9. Tiger commuter mug- hope it gets here soon
10. weekend get a way to Fun City with my family of 4, dec. 17 and 18th (I might be as excited as the boys!
11. the gift of giving
12. candy canes
13. CHRISTMAS VACATION -must I say it more.

I hope you are all enjoying the preparation of Christmas, the kiddos at my house wake every day to find a chocolate from the advent calendar! The kids at school are excited! I am excited!
Happy December 13, 2010-soon will be 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Love your new blog page - looks old fashioned Christmas! Yes, you have always gotten excited about Christmas. I would be very excited to get a couple weeks off too! Hope you remember the real reason for the season, Love MOM
