Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Tucker

 Tucker had a BB gun birthday cake for his 5th birthday!!!
 It was a beautiful warm Sunday afternoon with many guests and we celebrated outside with hamburgers and hotdogs and chips!
 Yes, Tucker got a 410 for his birthday! Their dad thinks he needs to buy them their first gun early!  They don't get to "use" it because it stays in the locked gun safe!  But they both got one at a young age!
 The night before Tuckers birthday we visited the goat milking farm for his birthday!  It was fun to watch and neat to see!  Tucker loves goats and oh my, there were a lot!
Yes we cut the cake and celebrated!!!  Tayden had to help!!!  Happy Birthday and sorry for the slow pictures!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to the fastest present opener I have ever seen! Love, MOM
