Saturday, July 4, 2009


Oh boy where to start!! These pictures our all from Thursday evening. We went to the rodeo and then it was Briley Jo Lough's 5th Birthday so her and Brett got to come home with us.
Tayden and Briley started off sleeping in the same tent, and Brett and Tucker in the other, well the 2 year old couldn't handle it so he ended up in his bed!!(bummer) and then Brett, Tayden, and Bri all got to sleep in the same one.

This was all of them getting ready to "camp" in the living room. Look who the biggest duck in the puddle is (it was his idea to put the tents up) They all look real sleepy to me. We didn't get home until about 11:15 and they were still giggling at 1:00.The little boy that can't behave, was great as long as there was a bucking horse, bull, or calf and horses in the arena. He was really pretty good. (The pink chair was a cousins, I promise)

I believe this picture was the beginning of the boot scramble, the kids took off a boot, put them in a pile then they had to run down and get the boot and run back. Wow lots of kids in the arena, yes Tayden is the little one with a teal shirt on!!!!

All in all we had a good night, the boys thought the rodeo was great!!

Friday the 3rd we spent the day recovering from the late Thursday night.
We also headed to Missouri to buy fireworks, there is something about the boys and fireworks we ended up with several!!!!
Friday night we got to golf in the sprinkles and we are thankful for babysitters. We were even home in time for the sitter to go out!!!
The boys are looking forward to going to Beater's (that is what daddy calls Nathan) to eat visit and LIGHT OFF THOSE FIREWORKS!!!!!!
Happy 4th to all of you, hope your weekend is as good as ours!!!


  1. Good pictures and story. Looks like everyone was having fun. The Boys sure looked cute in their rodeo duds Thursday. Waiting for the fair fun to begin! Love, MOM
