Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I spend a lot of time complaining about my well behaved students at school this year. (for those of you that don't know that is stretching it.. BIG TIME)
Therefore I am going to be thankful for the things I have instead of complain.
Thankful for
Two loving, energetic boys,
a loving and happy husband,
wonderful teacher aids to help,
caring and supportive title one teacher,
helpful and giving special ed. teacher,
co-workers who have some of the same troubles,
applesauce (my savior today) the one thing a student wanted and I had it.....
Dt. Mountain Dew
my house, car and food.
a wonderful overall family!

I have been positive and thankful therefore have a great next couple of days!!!!
I am going to try to be thankful everytime I think I have a challenge.


  1. Keep your glass 1/2 full not 1/2 empty. Looking at the bright side is always better for you! Love MOM p.s. I'm thankful for you.

  2. aw, thanks for putting me on your list! i'm thankful for you handling my special kiddos with grace, love and a firm, gentle, fun hand! i'll always be here "supporting" you while you talk me into helping you with crazy things that can't be good ideas with 25 kindergarteners!
