Saturday, October 17, 2009


White rice, did you know it has a new purpose, well at least in our house, feed for the cows. Saturday morning about 6:50, boys got up and came to lay with me. Great so after a few minutes of giggling and fighting I said, why don' t you to go play in the playroom and I will get up in a minute. Ok says Tucker and Tayden follows him. Well when I got up at 7:00 they had managed to dump a whole box of white rice on the floor in the playroom, and loving Tucker says feed cows mommy, Tucker feed cows and Tayden says, "Mom Tucker did it he dumped the rice."
At this point I think- well they might as well enjoy feeding the cows, because there is already a mess. The mess only grew, because the rice got moved in trucks, gravity wagons and all kind of toys-and yes moved into the dining room, living room, and kitchen. They thought it was fun and after our weekly trip to town, we swept the house. Yeah, my cleaning for the weekend is done.


  1. Good reation MOM. Sometimes you just have to let thngs flow. Your dad would say, nobody got hurt -- Love MOM
