Friday, October 2, 2009


I know you are tired of hearing about my job and all the lovely things that go with it, but it seems to be consuming my energy and thought most of the time. So reflecting on the week. Well, why is it some days my HEART is huge and other days I need a bigger heart. On Thursday I needed to shrink it at school. The little one in my room that needs all I can give him at all times (just one of the 4 that really really need me all of the time) got sent home, due to hitting in lunch. I feel as though it was my fault and there surely was something I could have done, however some kids no better, he did not, but after 2 hitting incidents it was time for him to have a major consequence. Therefore I will let it go and know, no matter how long he is with me, I will do my best.

We had a positive day in KA today!!!!!!!! We even got a sticker, for being quiet in the hall!!!!!!!!! (thanks Mrs. Beeler for finding the positive when there is one!)


  1. Sometimes you make a difference when you can't tell it's happening. We'll listen anytime. Love MOM

  2. Give your heart to your own boys this weekend and know that Tuesday will come soon enough! Let's vow to look for more positives throughout the day, dole out as much love as we can find, and laugh A LOT!
