Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Worlds Meanest Mom

Tonight I have tried to prove a point we will see. After picking up Briley (a niece) in town, since I was in town and she was done with dance. We got home and I started supper. Tayden wanted to go outside to play and I told him that was fine, he is good about staying right outside and playing. Well he wanted me to move the car out of the garage, I said "it will be dark in a bit, just play in the driveway and ride your bike. Well he continued to ask please, thinkink I would get tired of him asking and give in. NO, I said NO. He continued. So the one thing I have never done is soap. He got just a little and you would have thought I cut off his leg. But when I asked why he got it he said, I kept asking after you said NO, more than once. We will see if this parenting skill, or torture makes an impact. For those of you wandering he is good at saying, please, please, please over and over until it bothers me. The answer is no should be the last of the please!! In my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Good try. Maybe it will work, maybe you should have been a sweetie and moved it without saying NO -- just grandma's suggestion. Love MOM
