Sunday, March 7, 2010


It has been along time since I have taken a 2 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon, in my bed, WITHOUT interruption. I usually squeeze in naps with the boys or on the couch or for about an hour or so. Not today, nope I slept for actually 1hour and 45 minutes in my bed for a long nap. I am so thankful.
Do you want to know why?
Well my husband who is an avid coyote hunter, granted the wish of Tayden to take him with him today. My father in law came by the house to gather the group of hunters and he is so SOFT that he couldn't tell Tucker no! Therefore they all left to go hunting. I called to offer to go pick Tucker up about 1 and he had been rescued by Grandma already. (Papa Dickie is a major Softy). When I called to offer to go get my child on Sunday afternoon, Grandma Lisa said, "No we are fine, we are cleaning and why don't you just plan on coming over for supper then you can get him." I said well ok.
Yes this afternoon I have accomplished a lot.

A Nap
Laundry Done and Put away
Grade Cards complete
Reading Files complete
Dishes done
Thanks grandma and grandpa, and daddy (the oldest one is still hunting) for keeping the boys, I needed a nap after we played cards way to late last night at a friends house. I think I am ready for this week(parent/teacher conferences in SCR-1)

1 comment:

  1. My goodness it is so nice to hear you are getting a little spoiled! We are all glad you all have such great help! Laundry caught up though wow I still just dream of those days! I am just sure that the girls will get that done just as soon as summer vacation comes around! lol Glad things are going well. Busy beavers at my house. These school projects!!! I'm pretty sure that my nieces take it easy on their parents with these projects! I got the twins to bed at 11:30 last night after what I hope is the last one of the year! Now there has been several times after ball games we crawled in that late but that just couldn't be
    Good thing they are tough and I'm sure I'll pay this evening but all was well this morning! Constitution test tomorrow! 7th grade seems a little early for that but I'm sure we'll get a little studing in between singers while watching American Idol. Glad to hear all is well! Love ya all!
