Wednesday, March 3, 2010


With a slow start to my week, (monday I was home sick). I am now ready for the week. School seems to be getting the lovely flu bug and other bugs, kids are dropping, hopefully they don't drop much faster.
At home last night we gave the boys a little education on the farm. We worked the lambs and got them ready to be healthy lambs this spring. (lets hope the sheep market is good). The boys did an excellent job. They were outside with us from 4:45-6:45 and they were troopers. The two of them stood in the lot with the lambs that had been worked and the lambs were very sore. Well Tucker would try to pet one and of course they would jump up and then he would turn around and look like wow, what happened. Lets hope the sunshine helps those 16 (total count) hurting lambs today.
Other than that all else is well. Hope the sunshining day fills you all with smiles.


  1. Way to go! I'll bet the boys explanation of what you did will be interesting. Hope your week will glide out smoooothly. Hugs and kisses to all, Love MOM

  2. Train them early, time will fly and they will be out there doing it by themselves. Well if you can keep them home long enough by then. Looks like all has recovered well and doing great! The boys just look so more alike sitting together in that chair then I realized! Hope you all have a great weekend!
    Love Ya
