Friday, June 12, 2009


Well, we have had an adventurous day and it is only 2:30!!!!!!! First we had a great time golfing this morning with Grandma Suz, she might disagree. While we were golf we came across a new additon to the family for a month or two!!!
Tayden is the defending Champ at the Davis County Fair for the Turtle Races!!Hopefully Greeny(yes we found him on hole #2 green at BCC) with live up to Lightning McQueen

After golfing we headed home to Mow the Yard, at least that was the plan.. Tayden was entertained by a DG sprinkler, why is it one child is doing what they are suppose to.....

The other one is so mysterious and entertained, but not quite exactly a good idea......
little did his mother know, what his plan was....
Tucker had an accident, well not really he didn't have a diaper on so he went in his pants (no biggy). Then he had to go take a nap (i thought) So as a I mow he hasn't been outside for some time he is surely asleep. I spanked him and told him to lay down he listens and Tayden hasn't yelled that he is up. All is good as I mow along, thinking how relaxing, getting a little sun, Tayden is playing good. When I get finished we can see what is left of the garden, pick up and feed the chickens. Life was great!!!!

Well I put the mower in the shed and guess who was in their playing.... yep you guessed ...Tucker. So I preceded to tell him to get to the house. He layed in bed and was fast asleep ... finally. As we entered the house him crying me thinking.. he hasn't even been to sleep yet.

The kitchen floor is covered with EGGS all but 8 were salvaged those 8 were history on the floor, however the sweet little boy had grabbed the towel to try and clean it. So I preceded to wash the rug, towels, and Tuckers shorts!!!

Who knows where else there is yellow egg yolk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When they are rotten, they are healthy.......that's how we like them.


  1. go get out the shout! mercy, mercy...what a squirrel!

    I'm laughing at your expense, just so you know :)

  2. We have invested in a child lock for the fridge. Glad we made you laugh today!!!

  3. Surely my little Tucker didn't do all that--I think you should keep closer watch on Dennis the Menace! Love MOM
