Friday, June 26, 2009

Gotta love the smell...

Yes, I have to love the smell of cleaning the bathroom floor, behind the stool. I love having to small boys (oh one isn't potty trained, more on that later) going to the bathroom half asleep in the middle of the night. As I am cleaning thinking.. man this smells like urine I can't believe the smell..., I don't usually notice it,... however I am not usually bent over wiping the floor behind the stool with a cloth either.

Well mission accomplished for a little while. I cleaned the bathroom today!!! I can't wait until Tucker is aiming at the stool too. Oh the potty training information... one of my goals for this summer was to have Tucker potty trained. A few days of wet pants, big boy undies, pooping outside in the grass, and we still could care less. He sits on the pot and says "Nope"..... Well yesterday they spent the day at Denny's (the babysitter) because I played in a golf tournament. The little boy that is Tuckers age has on pull ups and has went a few times!!! yeah, When i picked up the boys she says that Tucker peed in the potty today with the other boy!! My thoughts, Holy shit, no way....

So Friday morning I can do this we try to potty three times and each time the same response. "Nope"!!!

Good Luck for that summer goal!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. LOL He's so sweet, he'll do it when he's ready, and I'm thinking he must not be ready! HA HA :)


  2. he wants it to be in his time not YOUR time, mom! good luck!
