Monday, September 13, 2010


you should listen to the noise in my bathroom, right now (kids in the tub)
you should count how many times a day I say listen in my classroom
you should drive home with a loving sister with the same profession as me and listen
you should watch t.v a few minutes at night and listen to others
you should listen to the constant noise in my day to day life
I should spent more time at school listening
I love to listen to great stories and miracles
I love to listen to my kids say, "Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite, Mommy!"
I also love to listen to the boys call each other, "buddy"
you should listen when the boys find my whistle in the car

It is amazing to me how easy it is to forget just to enjoy the moment and listen, when I am grumpy, grouchy, tired or just plain tired of NOISE!!!!

Yes today is a day where i just want to mute things and have some silence!


  1. As your kids get older you will not get them to say anything! Then you will wish you could hear them being funny and annoying with each other. Just enjoy each stage as you can not go back - Love MOM ps. your teacher companion was a quiet child.

  2. Have a great Day Mrs. Bish....that still cracks me up...I would love to come visit just one day at school and watch Leslie and you. I remember the first day I spent with Julie at school..I about flipped at how patient she was!!! Hope you have a great week!! I really don't remember any of you being too quiet (shy) but maybe I just always got to see the best of you all!!! Ya whoo it's so fun being an aunt!!! Love you all..Take Care...Sue Ellen Suzie Oaks ask me to please tell you's pretty cool, she looks just like her mother!
