Friday, February 10, 2012

Love # 4

The little boy at our house that gets most of the attention good or bad.  He isn't really the healthiest child, but he defiantly isn't the sickest child too.  We can handle mild allergies and asthma!!  The 2nd born is a very happy boy.  He likes to please, wants to be liked and reacts well to positive reinforcement.  He is active and energetic, loving, and snugly.  He still sets on my lap at bedtime and wants to be snuggled with!  We do enjoy his attitude even though some days it is a little much or a little sassy.  You can definitely tell when he is excited, sad, happy, or bothered. He is strong willed and bull headed when it is set his way he doesn't budge much!!!  He is also very curious and asks a bunch of questions!
The challenges he has we can get past.  He will be 5 in March and boy oh boy is he growing up!  We love you Tucker Ross!

1 comment:

  1. Clarence is a dandy! You forgot to mention his cowboy experience with Uncle Blake.
