Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love # 5

The love of the oldest, I expect the most, he is 7.  Bug, tator tot, bingo - he has a few nick names and we love them all!  Daddy is the apple of his eye.  He just wants to hunt, and be outside.  He needs a break when he gets home from school and he is pretty responsible.  He thinks about things, listens, loves animals and tries to make good choices.  His heart is the size of Texas, he thinks of others and tries to make other happy.  The newest things he enjoys is building farms with toys and making hay tunnels in the barn.  He is a very good helper!  We do love Tayden Lee Bish - the first grader and he is learning to read !!!!  BIG TIME
He sleeps in his bed, gets up on time, eats well, loves life, and is a joy to us all!


  1. That is a GREAT picture! He is a fun kid and Grandpa enjoyed building tunnels with him! Let his imagination run wild, he will get serious soon enough - Love, MOM

  2. He will a key player in the next 9 years in the game we call life... cars, dates, parties, friends... and so on!
