Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday School

I am teaching Sunday school for the month of February! In our lovely little cozy Troy United Methodist Church we do Sunday school for the little people while the sermon is being presented upstairs!! (the sunday school teacher misses sermon) I do enjoy teaching Sunday school and I will try to teach 4 important lessons in February! Today we learned John 3:16- Some of the children knew the verse other worked on it a little and meantime, we sang Jesus Loves Me, painted red hearts with our hands, and cut out the verse. Next week we will complete our Valentine and deliver it to our parents!! (awesome lesson, but i am a little biased!)
I also read a story of Valentine! It is amazing to me, because as an adult I didn't know the reason for Valentines, but I got a book a few years ago for the boys and it tells it in a kid friendly way. Valentine was a man who tried to keep men and women from getting married. The others didn't agree so they sent him to jail. The kids and people were sad so they sent him card and letters!! That is why February 14 is about love and sending cards!!!!!

I am sure BJL got it!!!--- hey at least 1 out of the 12 did and average age is ummmm 4 or 5!

Happy Valentines Month and we will work on our love for others!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You had a big crowd of little ones Sunday and I am sure those cherubs are in for some interesting weeks! Great job and we are so grateful that you give your time to such a great cause. Love, MOM
