Sunday, August 30, 2009


In 24 hours daddy will be home (hopefully). Brandon has been gone since Thursday evening since about 5:00! Wow that is a long 4 days for two little boys and their mom. He is in Texarkana wild hog hunting, and we have talked to him and he has killed 2 for sure!! We are glad he is having fun, but sad because he hasn't been home. However I got a lot accomplished today we didn't leave the house and Grandma Nikki came out. Thanks to her help I even got a nap, mowed the yard and cleaned house, graded lovely math tests, and fixed lunch and supper. We will post some pictures of the hogs hopefully in the next few days. Daddy is suppose to be home tomorrow evening!!!!!! YEAH

Please keep my friend in your prayers who just lost her dad at age 61.

1 comment:

  1. Glad BLB got home safely and hope he had a great time. Love MOM
