Monday, January 25, 2010

Amish buggy

Well on the way home from Grandma Chuckie's tonight Tayden and I were in conversation about how the day was and what they did at Grandmas. (she watched them today, because our babysitter took a day off) Tayden said, "mom the amish buggies fixed my toy phone at grandmas today."
I said, "you mean the amish men, that came to eat lunch fixed your phone."

Tayden "no mom the amish buggies, you know that were with grandpa, they took that one nail and told me they would bring one to replace it so it would be fixed."

I said, "Tayden they are amish men and they are helping grandpa fix the machine shed."

Tayden replied," mom the amish buggies are helping grandpa and they ate lunch with us."

I replied,"okay Tayden"

End of conversation

Well, as some of you now understand the boys went to grandma Chucks today and she often fixes lunch for the amish when they are working for Jimmy or dad. It really entertained me that Tayden doesn't understand yet that the buggies are what they travel in. However everytime we see them we are usually in the car and I say "there are amish buggies"

Just thought I would share some entertainment!!


  1. Those Amish have to be really confusing to the little ones and they are so simple in reality! I'm glad they got to be around for one of the lunches like we had everyday when you were young. No Amish but men workers and good lunches -- Love MOM
