Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It started out an odd day. 5:57 and the phone rings "this is Dave Shalley at Scotland County and we will not have school today."

As I think to myself, it must be slick or foggy, oh well I will go back to bed. The phone rings, my cell phone rings and I get a text, all of which were asking why are we not having school. Well, we didn't know at first, but heard that the roads were slick in Missouri.

Okay so I will drink my coffee and think about what to do. I called Lisa and we discussed a bed. Dickie and Lisa got a new bed and offered us theirs. They had a air pocket bed, and it was queen(we had an old full bed with a normal mattress) sure we will be over, therefore the boys and I headed that way and by 11:00 we had the bed moved and up ready to go.

This afternoon I thought I would work on taxes and therefore it gave me a headache, which was a positive because then I was ready for Jillian Michaels. (i love days off and being able to workout whenever instead of 5:15.)

I went out to get the mail and check the sheep and guess what I found-- yep twins. That means our total head count is 9 lambs. I believe we have 6 ewes that have lambed that means we have about 15 left. Yes I love when there becomes a flock of babies.

I have enjoyed being home, even with two energetic boys and we have stitch and (&%*% tonight so I better jump in the shower.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Stitch and _____ was fun tonight. Sounds like you had a very good day. Don't upset Tuck with the potty thing, just keep trying. Sleep very well in that new bed -- Love MOM
