Thursday, February 4, 2010


Well some of you may know, that my loving husband is NOT fond of cats. Therefore this morning when the boys and I left there was a cat laying on Casey's (the dog) blanket and I thought wow that cat is brave. Casey was out with the hound dogs so it was no big deal. But I remember her barking in the garage last night and I thought it was very unusual, well heeellllllooo Lori there was a cat out there. The crazy part is that this evening(thursday we have long days) when we got home it was still there. but not for long...
Like father like son, Tayden took of with a stick and chased the cat around the yard for about 15 minutes and then came in and said"I was getting rid of that stinkin cat"!!!!
Moral to the story- the cat probably won't come back!

1 comment:

  1. You always tried to get a kitten that would stay around. Looks like it will be awhile longer. I'll bet Mr. Tucker does not need a cat around for his allergies. Tayden does kind of like Fluffy at our house? Love MOM
