Monday, February 22, 2010


My children have plenty of toys. They enjoy playing with trucks, barns, animals and dogs the best! I have shown a few pictures for all of you to get the real feel of how many toys we really do have. also- not all toys are shown!

This morning the boys got out several toys and I thought oh well it is a snow day, we will be home all day no big deal.

They continued to get toys out, therefore I decided we might as well empty the toy room, sort, clean and put only some toys back in the toy room, the toys that don't make the cut to the play room are going to land downstairs, in a large tub. (no gmas I am not getting rid of toys we are just downsizing)

They are truly enjoying all of the Stuff in the main rooms. Their mother is going to let them have a good time for about an hour, then we are napping and picking up!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good pictures and Great blogs! Maybe the boys would like to drag a few more things home from Grandma Suzie's -- Yes, sure you can take that home with you! You are a good organizer and I am sure you will be cussing at the mending of those jeans. Thanks for doing that yourself. Love MOM
